
Webinaire régional de l’Ontario

Le 27 mars 2024
17 h 30 à 19 h Est
Writing Journal Articles and Preparing Manuscripts for Publication
Ce webinaire se déroulera en anglais.

Description :

In this webinar, we will discuss the necessary steps and important aspects to consider when writing and publishing. Writing a manuscript, preparing a paper for submission, working with editors, and finding time for consistent writing practice are all part of the process and will be topics addressed in this webinar.

Enregistrement :

Série : PIMA Webinars – Climate Justice Education Teach-In Series

les 14 septembre et 5 octobre 2023
INVITATION TO A TWO-PART TEACH-IN: Towards a pluriverse of possibilities: unlearning separation, re-learning relationality
Animatrice : Elizabeth Lange

Description :

The world as we know it is not sustainable. To change these realities, we need to dig deep to the very roots of Western thinking – this is a big story of alternative worldmaking at every level. This includes how we live, work, produce and distribute food, water, and energy.

This set of two participatory workshops encourages us to rebuild understandings of the inter-connectedness of everything so that we reignite relationships with one another and the planet. Instead of continuing to exploit the natural world we nurture and sustain it.

Through dialogue we will question: how and why did we lose our connectivity, our kinship with other living beings, our own embodiedness; and how do we unlearn separation and relearn relationality? As educators and activists, how do we generate a pluriverse of possibilities?

Workshop One will focus on Relearning kinship ethics – this is based on understanding the shift from modernity to relationality; Workshop Two will focus on Composting Modernity, using past values and ethics to ‘compost’ practical possibilities for transformative practice.

Dates : les 14 septembre et 5 octobre 2023
Heure : Canada-Heure pacifique 10 h; SAST 19h00
Durée : 2 heures

The workshops will be led by Dr Elizabeth Lange, author of the inspiring book (2023), Transformative Sustainability Education: Reimagining our Future. This book lays out the principles and practices of transformative sustainability education using a relational way of thinking and being.

We invite you to commit to both workshops and register in advance:


Contexte :

This Teach-In series is a continuation of the PIMA webinars on Climate Justice Education which have run since 2020 in collaboration with the Canadian Association for Studies in Adult Education (CASAE), Adult Learning Australia (ALA), Standing Conference on University Teaching and Research in Education of Adults (SCUTREA), and MOJA African Adult Education Network. The webinars have fed into two special editions of the PIMA Bulletin 39 (Nov 21), 45 (Jan 23) January 2023 Bulletin TOC | PIMA Network – they both provide useful background to the Teach-In.

Pour plus d’informations, veuillez contacter :
Shirley Walters, PIMA Climate Justice Education

Série : PIMA Webinars – Climate Justice and Adult Learning and Education (ALE)

le 24 mai 2022
Climate Justice Education: Weaving Together Our Stories of Nature and Place
Animatrices : Shauna Butterwick, Darlene Clover et Joy Polanco O’Neil

Description :

Lien vers le rapport postwebinaire sur l’atelier [version anglaise] – Report on Climate Justice Education: Weaving Together Our Stories of Nature and Place

Série : PIMA Webinars – Climate Justice and Adult Learning and Education (ALE)

le 2 mars 2022
Climate pedagogy: What have we learned?
Animatrice : Shirley Walters, PIMA President
Animatrices de débat : Jane Burt, Astrid von Kotze et Shirley Walters

Description :

Lien vers le rapport postwebinaire sur l’atelier [version anglaise] – Lien

Série : PIMA Webinars – Climate Justice and Adult Learning and Education (ALE)

le 13 octobre 2021
Co-organisé par PIMA, ALA, CASAE, SCUTREA
Ecofeminism makes sense. Towards life-affirming Adult Learning and Education (ALE)
Animatrice : Shirley Walters, PIMA President
Animatrices de débat : Joy Polanco O’Neil et Astrid von Kotze
Conférencières : Jacklyn Cock et Serap Brown

Description :
Climate justice, including social, gender and economic justice, is attained by foregrounding the needs and interests of the people who have contributed least to climate catastrophes yet are most affected by them. Due to unequal patriarchal divisions of labour and exploitative practices, the majority of women around the world carry primary responsibility for putting food on the table and taking care of ecosystems, families and communities. Ecological breakdown, capitalism and patriarchy are closely inter-linked and undergird the environmental catastrophe that is unfolding. Ecofeminism, a discourse that began in the late 1980s, remains a useful theoretical framework because it refuses to separate entangled dimensions of life. It presents a change in paradigm from separation to interconnectedness, from the mechanistic and reductionist to the relational and holistic. This webinar will explore ecofeminism – its theory and practice – and in particular, its application to the principles and practices of a life-affirming ALE.

Lien vers le rapport postwebinaire sur l’atelier Ecofeminisme [version anglaise] – Lien

Série : PIMA Webinars – Climate Justice and Adult Learning and Education (ALE)

le 25 mai 2021
Resilience or rebellion? Exploring ‘resilience’ and climate justice: challenges for ALE
Animatrice : Shirley Walters, PIMA President
Animatrices de débat : Joy Polanco O’Neil et Astrid von Kotze
Conférencier : Odirilwe Selomane
Commentateurs : Mela Chiponda, Eurig Scandrett et Mercy Kappen

Description :
In these times of extreme precarity, a new buzzword is ‘resilience’. In combination with adjectives resilience means many different things to different constituencies across the natural and social sciences, ranging from absorptive to adaptive; restorative to transformative resilience. This webinar explores different interpretations of resilience and outlines a variety of resilience capacities in the context of climate justice. We pose the questions: how do we as adult educators understand and utilise the concept of ‘resilience’? What understandings of `resilience’ are most useful and generative in the collective struggles towards climate justice?

Série : Kitchen Table Talk

le 6 mai 2021
Diversity and Inclusion: Are organizations doing the right things?
Animatrice : Cindy Russell

Description :
Organizations have strived to make a difference around diversity and inclusion, but is it working? Many say no. Common practices include setting up a diversity office, hiring a Director of Diversity, creating pamphlets, videos, and asking staff to participate in diversity training. Is this making a difference? Let’s look at what some researchers are saying and share experiences from the field. What are some of the unintended consequences that are emerging from these efforts?

Série : PIMA Webinars – Climate Justice and Adult Learning and Education (ALE)

le 30 mars 2021
Climate change, resource extraction and adult learning and education – what are the links?
Animatrice : Shirley Walters, PIMA President

Animatrice de débat : Darlene Clover, feminist, scholar-activist, professor at University of Victoria. Canada

Conférenciers :
Victoria Foster (United Kingdom). Victoria Foster is involved in social and environmental justice education.
Hannah Geldeman (Canada). Hannah Gelderman (she/her) is an artist, educator and organizer who recently completed a Master of Education in Leadership Studies.
Njabulo Chipangura (Zimbabwe). Njabulo Chipangura works at the National Museums and Monuments of Zimbabwe as an archaeologist and is based in Eastern Zimbabwe at Mutare Museum.

Série : PIMA Webinars – Climate Justice and Adult Learning and Education (ALE)

le 10 février 2021
Climate change, resource extraction and adult learning and education – what are the links?
Animatrice : Shirley Walters, PIMA President

Animatrice de débat : Jane Burt, educator-activist in environment/development sector

Conférencières :
Judith Marshall, popular educator and writer, on Mining Companies and Disasters in Canada and Brazil
Trusha Reddy, WoMin African Alliance: Organising and learning to defend the land from resource extraction
Shauna Butterwick, feminist scholar-activist, reflecting on ALE in the film Women hold up the sky

Article [anglais] : Vous trouverez cet article dans le PIMA Bulletin Number 35, March 2021

Série : Pédagogie et pandémie

le 4 décembre 2020
Flattening the Curve: Making a Difference through Mask making
Animatrice :
Shauna Butterwick, Ph.D., The University of British Columbia, Canada

Sewing for our lives: Women’s enterprising and learning through making masks in India
Animatrices :
Mansi Shah, Saira Baloch, Savitaben Patel

Série : Pédagogie et pandémie

le 27 novembre 2020
The Impacts of COVID-19 on Adult Learning and Education: An International Panel
Animatrices :
Dr. Salma Ismail, Associate Professor, School of Education, University of Cape Town
Ms Lyndal Pottier, Lecturer in Adult Education, University of Cape Town
Dr. Ellen Boeren, Professor School of Education, University of Glasgow
Dr. Srabani Maitra, Senior Lecturer, School of Education, University of Glasgow

Série : Pédagogie et pandémie

le 13 novembre 2020
« Time now holds a different meaning for us…”: Evolving pedagogy for teaching Research in COVID19 Pakistan
Animatrice : PreShama Dossa, Associate Professor, Social Development and Policy, School of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Habib University, Karachi.

Série : Pédagogie et pandémie

le 25 septembre 2020
Online professional learning during the time of COVID-19: A collaborative autoethnography
Animatrices : Natalia Balyasnikova, Assistant Professor of Adult Education, York University;
Ludmila Balyasnikova, Associate Professor, UNESCO Chair in Sciences of Education, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia.

Série : Pédagogie et pandémie

le 16 juillet 2020
The pandemic practicum: COVID-19 and the teacher education field experience
Animatrices : Amy Burns, PhD (Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary), Patricia Danyluk, PhD (Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary), Astrid Kendrick, PhD (Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary) et Theodora Kapoyannis, PhD (Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary)

Série : Pédagogie et pandémie

le 25 juin 2020
Inventive pedagogies and social solidarity: The work of adult educators during COVID-19
Animatrices : Emily Hunter, Suzanne Smythe, Amea Wilbur.

Série : Méthodologie de la recherche

le 16 juin 2020
Autobiographical and Autoethnographic Research
Animatrices : Shauna Butterwick, PhD (The University of British Columbia) et Virginia Rego, PhD (National and International Results Coordinator, BC Ministry of Education).
Le 15 juillet 2020 – Présentation PowerPoint révisée. Cliquez ici.

Série : Pédagogie et pandémie

le 26 mai 2020
« We are all in this together, » but who is the « we »? – Exploring the impacts of the pandemic on immigrants through an intersectional analysis
Animateurs : Jingzhou (Jo) Liu, PhD (University of Calgary), Ricardo Morales (Director, Community Development and Integration, Calgary Catholic Immigration Society), and Sinela Jurkova, PhD (Cultural Diversity Services Coordinator, Calgary Catholic Immigration Society).

Série : Méthodologie de la recherche

le 12 mai 2020
Community-Based Research
Animateurs : Budd Hall, PhD (Co-Chair, UNESCO Chair in CBR), Walter Lepore, PhD (Research Director, UNESCO Chair in CBR), et Suriani Dzulkifli (Coordinator of the Knowledge for Change Mentor Training Programme)

Webinaire régional de l’Ontario

le 6 mars 2020
Événement en mémoire du travail/de la vie du Professeure Barbara Burnaby
Animateur: William (Bill) Fallis

Webinaire régional des Prairies

le 18 septembre 2019
Soutenir la diversité sexuelle et sexospécifique dans l’éducation des adultes
Animateur: Robert Mizzi

Qui sommes-nous

CASAE/ACÉÉA a joué un rôle actif dans la reconnaissance de l’éducation des adultes comme un domaine d’études et de pratiques, tant sur le plan canadien qu’international.

Nous joindre

260, rue Dalhousie
Bureau 204
Ottawa (Ontario) K1N 7E4

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Courriel : casae.aceea@csse.ca

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