
in memoriam – Paul F. Armstrong

in memoriam – Paul F. Armstrong

In memoriam - Paul F. Armstrong Paul F. Armstrong: a short appreciation of a generous life By Linden West I and many colleagues were sad to learn of the death of a dear colleague Dr Paul Armstrong, on the 31st May 2020, during the Coronavirus pandemic. Paul was a...

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Alumni Horizon Award

Alumni Horizon Award

The University of Alberta Alumni Association is pleased to announce Dr. Kristopher Wells will receive an Alumni Horizon Award for his advocacy for sexual and gender minority youth on Thursday, Sept. 24, at the annual Alumni Awards ceremony. Dr. Wells is a member of...

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Adult Learning in « Post-Truth Society »

Adult Learning in « Post-Truth Society »

Many of you might be interested in viewing the video of a lecture given last week (June 2017) at UBC by Dr. Shirley Walters entitled “Adult Learning in a ‘post-truth society’? . Shirley was the keynote speaker for the 2017 Paz and Knute Buttedahl Memorial...

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Qui sommes-nous

CASAE/ACÉÉA a joué un rôle actif dans la reconnaissance de l’éducation des adultes comme un domaine d’études et de pratiques, tant sur le plan canadien qu’international.

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